Thursday, February 27, 2020

John Lewis' Multi-Channel Marketing Communication Proposal (Summative) Essay

John Lewis' Multi-Channel Marketing Communication Proposal (Summative) - Essay Example The retail shop marketing team understands that only a few customer still prefer dealing with a single channel in purchasing their preferred goods. However, increasing numbers employ multiple channels in their respective buying processes particularly, the ones purchasing about 30% onwards. Moreover, the management understands that with the world increasingly becoming interconnected via the internet and mobile technology, multichannel communication have become inevitabilities in commerce rather than the exception (Blakeman 2014). Therefore, there is a need for John Lewis retail to effectively integrate its existing multichannel marketing communication as this increases the points of contact with the customers. The MMC techniques and strategies further help the retail shop reach marginal customer segments by permitting preferred customers access points. Therefore, for imperativeness of MMC, John Lewis retail shop must satisfactorily work to coordinate both message and data. Such channels as TV, direct mail and mail, radio, advertising print and internet must consistently offer consistent brand experience. Importantly, the John Lewis marketing team must understand the difficulty in developing consistent message when various agencies are contracted for each of the avenues marketing avenues mentioned (Ryan & Jones 2012). The consistent brand must be demonstrated with respect to the customers’ experience through call centers, retail environment, websites and direct sales. The underlying principle behind Jo hn Lewis increasing success is the firm’s integrative multichannel marketing where data and marketing messages that make the customers feel they are dealing with John Lewis and not a different Company at each point. Despite the success noted, John Lewis is still struggling with how to capture young customers through its AW collection. This paper will primarily focus on how the firm can apply the MMC to launch a new

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Shawow the leader-Leadership Course Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Shawow the leader-Leadership Course - Essay Example In order to learn more about leadership qualities, I decided to shadow an administration manager of a company with her permission and the details of my observations and analysis is explained in this paper. The administration manager whom I shadowed was a lady in her forties. She has taken his MBA degree in administration from a major university and apart from that she has completed some diploma courses also in administration before joining a company as HR executive. She joined her present company around two years before as an administration manager and made lot of changes in the administration areas of the company. In fact, her innovative strategies helped the company to increase the productivity of the workers. Earlier, the company was suffering a lot because of the shortage of talented employees. After the appointment of this lady administration manager, the recruitment and retention strategies improved a lot and the relationship between the company and the employees was also strengthened. One of my friends working in the above company along with this lady administration manager and with the help of him I succeeded in getting the permission of this administration manager for an interview and the subsequent shadow process. My first question was about her leadership philosophy. In reply, she explained that she values the relationships between the managers and the subordinates a lot. In her opinion, no manager can function effectively if he/she fails to establish warm relationship with the subordinates. She has explained that when the relationships between the manager and the subordinates are of highest quality, the goals of the leader, the subordinates or the followers and that of the organization advance a lot. She has made it clear that relationship building is the core of success for everything in the current organizational climate. My second question was about the qualities of a good leader. In her opinion, good