Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Negative Images Of Nursing - 967 Words

From Greys Anatomy’s, Dr.McDreamy stealing the spot light in every surgery to Meet the Parents, Ben Stiller being a male nurse, there are so many negative remarks coming from movies and shows. In many shows it displays a down side to nurses, such as making bad remarks about male nurses, giving the audience the belief that nurses are a back ground prop behind the heroic Physician, and lastly how medical procedures are done. I can’t help but laugh and scream at the TV, when I see someone performing CPR with spaghetti arms. In the article â€Å"The Negative Images of Nursing †¦Ã¢â‚¬  by Jacquelyn Bishop. She discusses all of these topics from comparing the televised aspect of nursing to the real life thing. In Meet the Parents starring Ben Stiller as a male nurse. In one scene Ben walks into the kitchen and is meeting the family of his girlfriend, Pam. Pam introduces her sister’s fiancà ©, who is a M.D, and his father who is a Plastic Surgeon. When Ben tells them he is in nursing, they start laughing and say â€Å"No, really what do you do?† They continue to ask him why he didn’t go for being a doctor instead of staying a nurse. He replies, â€Å"Nursing was just a better fit for me.† In many movies, the male nurse is always made fun of simply because, nursing is for women and being a Doctor is for men. Many men fight the stereotype, of being known as a gay-male-nurse. Many have believed that men should take the one extra step and become a Doctor, simply because it is manlier. Statistics haveShow MoreRelatedMedia s Negative Images Of Health Care1215 Words   |  5 Pages Should Media Portray Only Positive Images of Health Care Name Institution Should Media Portray Only Positive Images of Health Care Media has portrayed many negative images of healthcare through television including movies. It is important that media presents positive images of healthcare to influence positive public perceptions on healthcare delivery. Health care television shows have portrayed nurses as handmaidens to doctors, ‘naughty’, battle-axes’, sex objects, self-sacrificial angelsRead MoreThe Changing Context of Nursing Essay examples1635 Words   |  7 PagesThe image of nursing is dynamic, changing from the late 1800’s to present, the images are made from individual’s perceptions by what is seen in the media, how education is taught in nursing and historical figures (Daly, Speedy, Jackson, 2014). Historical figures mainly include Florence Nightingale and her, self-sacrifice and the nurses who transformed education (Fee Garofalo, 2010, p. 1591; Allen, 2010, p. 35). Education has moved forward by the enhancing strategies of teaching student nursesRead MoreThe Image of Nursing Essay1614 Words   |  7 PagesNursing is basically a scientific profession with a widespread vision, where nurses care for the physical needs of the people at the same time satisfies their emotional, psychological, and intellectual as well as social and spiritual demands. These Nurses though get professional training but apart from professional training and experiences, a good nurse possess high humanistic quality and has in depth understanding of not only the psychology of her/his patients but also proves to be very soft andRead MorePublic Perception Of Nursing, Trends And Eras By Deborah Judd And Kathleen Sitzman1268 Words   |  6 PagesNursing has greatly changed throughout the years and many aspects. The nursing profession has had to overcome obstacles pertaining to public perception, education, and different issues within the field. These three aspects have been the most influential on the profession because they have all helped evolve and shape the profession an d image. A negative image does not persuade others to join the occupation, view it positively, or treat nurses with respect. Conversely, a positive image has proven toRead MoreProfessionalism In Nursing1297 Words   |  6 Pagesno harm†. The history of nursing initially begins with Florence Nightingale. Before her era nurses had a tarnished reputation (Glasper, 2017). They were poorly educated and incompetent people. Nurses such as Mrs. Bedford Fenwick wanted to change the image of nursing. They did this by leading a campaign for professionalism. Which led to the culminated Nurse Bill receiving is royal assent in December 1919 (Glasper, 2017). July 27, 1921 was the official opening of the nursing register, there are currentlyRead MoreImage Of Nursing : A Look At An Historical Image987 Words   |  4 PagesThe field of nursing encompasses a vast array of knowledge, skills, and professionalism. However, often times the image of nursing does not mirror these things. What is i mage? Many individuals may answer this question differently depending on their age, personal experiences, and exposure to media. The image of nursing is the overall idea, perception, or belief of what nursing is. Image is an important factor in nursing, as a false image may discredit the true heart of nursing, leading to misconceptionsRead MoreThe Negative Portrayal Of Nurses759 Words   |  4 Pagesare not given the respect they deserve for the high level of knowledge they demonstrate to patients (Hoeve, Jansen Roodbol, 2013). The purpose of this paper is to show how the negative portrayals of nurses in the media can result in a distorted image from the public. The components of this paper talk about the negative image of the nurse due to the lack of consistency in the media that the public is viewing, as well as the shortened staff and the public’s poor judgement on the profession. Search Strategy:Read MoreThe Media Portrayal Of Nurses1222 Words   |  5 Pagespaper I will describe how the media portrays a professional nurse, and compare it with the current knowledge in literature –searched through a professional search engine, CINAHL. Then I will provide an insight into its implications on the practice of nursing profession. The mixed media portrayal of nurses is precisely depicted in an American reality television series, Scrubbing In. The Scrubbing In chronicles the story of nine young travel nurses, three males and six females, across the country, whoRead MoreThe Media s Perception Of Nurses1490 Words   |  6 Pagespicture a nurse? If you add in the word ‘naughty’ does that image change? Throughout the history of the nursing profession, the media have created many images of the nurse including, the handmaiden, the angel, the battle-axe, and the naughty nurse. This paper focuses on the media’s perception of nurses, using a sexual reference, more commonly know as the ‘naughty or sexy nurse.’ The aspects focused on in relation to the naughty or sexy nurse image are: the ideas of uniform, degrading advertisement andRead MoreThe Image Of Nursing As A Profession936 Words   |  4 PagesImage of Nursing Nursing as a profession is often portrayed by the media in demeaning ways. â€Å"Nurses have often been unfairly and unrealistically portrayed as â€Å"battle axes† or psychologically compromised. And that’s if they are written into the script at all.† (Berkowitz, 2014). â€Å"They are often portrayed as physician helpers, not the highly skilled independent clinicians that we know they are.† (Berkowitz, 2014). Media Portrayal The example of media portrayal that I chose to analyze and discuss shows

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Acquisition of Language in Children Essay - 2167 Words

Possessing a language is a quintessentially human trait, yet the acquisition of language in children is not perfectly understood. Most explanations involve the observation that children mimic what they hear and the assumption that human beings have a natural ability to understand grammar. Behaviorist B.F. Skinner originally proposed that language must be learned and cannot be a module. The mind consisted of sensorimotor abilities as well as laws of learning that govern gradual changes in an organism’s behavior (Skinner, B.F., 1957). Noam Chomsky’s review of Skinner’s Verbal Behavior (Chomsky, 1959) challenged this belief by arguing that children learn languages that are governed by highly subtle and abstract principles,†¦show more content†¦In every childs Universal Grammar there exists a finite amount of linguistic rules. These rules are hierarchical. Syntactic rules for example, have deep structures, which are then converted into the surface representa tion as directed by these rules (Chomsky, 1965). Through exposure to any particular linguistic environment, rules are learned and a grammar for that particular language is built. The Universal Grammar acts as a menu, giving potential for all the differing rules observed throughout the worlds languages. Any particular linguistic environment acts as a switch for selecting which rules apply to the language a child is exposed to and then builds a grammar of rules specific to that language (or languages if the child is in a multi-lingual environment) (Carroll, 2006). This point is easily illustrated in two stages noted as cooing and babbling. At the stage of cooing, a baby produces many different phonetic articulations despite what sounds may or may not be in the phonetic inventory of the surrounding linguistic environment, meaning sounds, which are not represented in the linguistic environment, may very well be made by the baby. The second stage, babbling is distinguishable in that the baby picks up on the phonetic units present in his or her particular linguistic environment. More support for the hypothesis of a UG considers Chomskys proposal of generative grammar.Show MoreRelatedThe Language Acquisition Of Children1524 Words   |  7 PageswillCompare the language used by three different children who are all different ages, they are all staggered in age at two years a part. Their ages are: Rhys: Age 8, Archie: Age 6, Poppy: Age 4 The development of language in children changes as a child gets older. â€Å" The Language Acquisition Device (LAD) is a hypothetical brain mechanism that Noam Chomsky postulated to explain human acquisition of the syntactic structure of language.† I will be investigating the change in language used by a fourRead MoreThe Language Acquisition Of Children2684 Words   |  11 PagesIt is a well-known fact that all children acquire language the same way, regardless of what the language in question is. For example, we can create an analogy by comparing the process of acquiring a language to learning how to play a new game. If one wishes to play a new game he must first go over some basic rules, which in our case would be: understanding sounds, words and sentences and how they can be combined into meaningful structures. Since language can be considered a highly complex game thereRead More Language Acquisition in Children Essay1626 Words   |  7 PagesLanguage Acquisition in Child ren Introduction The study of language development, one of the most fascinating human achievements, has a long and rich history, extending over thousands of years (Chomsky, 2000). As the nature-versus-nurture argument is inevitable to arise whenever human behaviors are discussed, it is not surprising that language experts have debated the relative influences of genetics and the environment on language development (Hulit Howard, 2002). Among the various proposalsRead MoreSecond Language Acquisition on Children2565 Words   |  11 PagesSecond Language Acquisition and Age Impact on its Acquisition Ika Ulil M 20111111042 Abstract Children acquire language since they were born. They communicate with their parents. Furthermore, children and parents interact with each other using a language that we often call the first language or mother tongue. At an early age, children are only learning one language that is the mother tongue. By age and speech development, children improve to acquire a second language from the school or the environmentRead MoreThe Acquisition of Spoken Language in Deaf Children1839 Words   |  7 Pagesability to use language to communicate with the world around us. The capability to produce novel and complex sentences is a skill that every child learns if the conditions allow him or her to do so. What is most amazing about this is that children gain this capability in such a short amount of time. Within 5 years of life humans use the linguistic input of the world around them to produce novel ideas and thoughts. Regardless of where or how one lives, the process of acquiring language is often predictableRead MoreEssay about Children Language Acquisition694 Words   |  3 Pagesstages of language knowledge develop by stages, and it is suggested, each successive stage approach more approximates the grammar of the adult usage. This essay is going to illustrate the different stages in language acquisition that children pass through and elicit the theories in accordance. In the stage of the first sounds, the noises produced by infants are simply responses to stimuli, for instance crying as a reaction to hunger. These noises sound the same in all language communitiesRead MoreTeaching Language Acquisition For English As Additional Language Children Essay1437 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Language empowers a child to express his thoughts and desires, achieve his goals, and form relationships with others. It plays a crucial role in the cognitive, social and emotional development of the child (Berk, 2009). This report will discuss a range of pedagogical practices to support language acquisition for English as Additional Language children in context of early childhood education in Aotearoa New Zealand. Languages in Aotearoa. According to Statistics New Zealand 2013, 25Read MoreThe Acquisition of Spoken Language in Deaf Children3098 Words   |  12 PagesGovernment Intervention 5 4.0 Human Capital Investment 6 4.1 Human Capital 6 4.2 Endogenous Growth Theory 7 5.0 The effect of child marriage in Nigeria 8 6.0 Rebuttal 9 7.0 Conclusion 9 References 10 1.0 Introduction The United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) defines child marriage as â€Å"a formal marriage or informal union before age 18.† This is before the child is psychologically, physically and physiologically prepared for marriage and child bearing (Walker, 2013). Child marriage is a commonRead MoreThe Effects Of Normal Language On Children s Language Acquisition3003 Words   |  13 Pages Other neurological conditions to prominently affect children’s language acquisition also include disorders like as cerebral palsy which may also prompt a language acquisition disorder for children through difficulties in voice production. Cerebral Palsy is an umbrella term for a group of persistent disorders of posture and movement caused by damage to the immature brain; it very rarely occurs during childbirth unless the baby is premature, underweight, or suffers from intraventricular haemorrhagesRead MoreFeral Children, Critical Period And First Language Acquisition2820 Words   |  12 Pages Feral Children, Critical Period and First Language Acquisition Hunter Palmentiero Pasadena City College LING16 Professor Lott 11/21/14 Table of Contents I. Introduction 3 II. Feral Children: Scientific Fact or Mythology 3 III. Critical Period and Language Acquisition 5 IV. Conclusion 7 Feral Children, Critical Period and First Language Acquisition Introduction Physical environments and social interactions significantly impact human

Friday, December 13, 2019

John Stuart Mill Free Essays

â€Å"Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. Happiness is intended pleasure and the absence of pain. † – John Stuart Mill John Stuart Mill defines utilitarianism as a theory based on the principle that â€Å"actions are right in proportions as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness† (Sparknotes Editors). We will write a custom essay sample on John Stuart Mill or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are a few important aspects of this definition. It presents utility, the existence of pleasure and the absence of pain, as both the basis of everything that people desire, as the foundation of morality. This however, does not state that it is moral for people to pursue what makes them personally happy (Sparknotes Editors). The question at hand is what would John Stuart Mill advise the doctor to do? Fulfill the Joes request and assist him with his death or respect the family’s wishes by keeping Joe alive. From my viewpoint, I would say that Mill would tell the doctor to go forth with the family’s wishes because of his statement â€Å"is it not moral for people to pursue what makes them personally happy† (Sparknotes Editors) and in this case – it would not be moral to do as the patient wishes because the end result would be that it would only make the patient happy. However, from a utilitarian view point, a physician assisted suicide can appear to be morally justified in all cases. But in this case, it would be only morally justified in the patients’ case because he is the only one who is on board with the idea of physician assisted suicide. The only way this way this would be morally justified in all cases is if not only the patient was on board, but the entire family would have to be as well, by looking at such things like the physician assisted suicide as an elimination of the financial burden due to medical costs. Mill’s Utilitarianism states that in order to be moral, one must make decisions based upon the greatest happiness. In terms of physician assisted suicide I feel that death, no matter the form, usually brings many emotions such as both positive (the end of the patients suffering; then end of medical costs), and negative (feeling of loss and sadness of a loved one). According to Mill, the utilitarian doctrine states that â€Å"happiness is desirable, and the only thing desirable, as an end; all other things being only desirable as means to that end. † (Mill) so what he is saying is that we are to treat others and ourselves included as a means to an end, and that it would be immoral to use other people and ourselves as a mere means. If you think about it, happiness is only something that can be experienced when we are alive and in reality, there is nothing desired except happiness and our actions derive from the pursuit of happiness. So if our ultimate moral end goal is happiness. My argument would be that the patient is not seeking happiness as an end but only a means because he is seeking it for himself to end his suffering. The process of physician assisted euthanasia would be considered a mere means if it were both what the patient and his family both wanted – but in this case this is not what both parties want. They each want the end result to be different. Mill also argued that individuals are the best judges and guardians of their own interests. So in this case, he would be stating that Joe is capable of making his own decision(s) and his family should allow him to make his own decision in this case. The only way Mill would state otherwise is if Joe was not capable of making his own decision, an example would be if he was in an unconscious state or otherwise mentally impaired. At this point a case could be made in the fact that Joe is unhappy and he knows eventually that his illness will lead him to much discomfort and possible pain. The only thing in Joe’s mind that will make him happy is to end his suffering and end the suffering of his family who would have to watch him battle this sickness. This would be a â€Å"win-win† situation in Joes mind. Another case could be made using the assertion that â€Å"the right thing† would be to use any means necessary to alleviate the pain and suffering Joe may face in the future. This renews and reaffirms Joe’s importance to himself and his family members. Mill has also stated â€Å"all selfish interests must be terminated by death. † I think that by this he is saying the only way to end Joe’s want for physician assisted suicide is by death. He is stating that this is a selfish want on Joe’s part – he could also be stating that the family too is being selfish in not wanting to end Joe’s suffering. So neither party’s selfish wants are going to be subsided until death. I feel that John Stuart Mills’ utilitarianism would support the idea of what the family feels and wants rather than supporting physician assisted euthanasia. Only because his main focus is happiness and one cannot experience happiness in death. Works Cited Mill J. S. , Utilitarianism. New York; Longmans, Green; 1907 SparkNotes Editors. â€Å"SparkNote on Utilitarianism. † SparkNotes LLC. n. d.. http://www. sparknotes. com/philosophy/utilitarianism/ (accessed October 17, 2012). How to cite John Stuart Mill, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Hamlet Quotes free essay sample

Hamlet quotes Frailty, thy name is woman! Hamlet; Hamlet is angry with his his mother for re marrying as quickly as a he did. He is saying that a woman changes her mind quickly . Thrift, thrift, Horopito! The funeral baled meats / Did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables. Hamlet; it was right after they buried his father that his mother married his u uncle. It happened in such a short time that Hamlet feels like the food from the funeral I could have been used for the wedding tables. Perhaps he loves you now, / But you must fear, / His greatness weighed, his will is not his own; /For he himself is subject to his birth: / He may not, as unvalued persons do, / Carve for himself; for on his choice depends / The safety and health of this whole state. Alerter; Hamlet is not allowed to make choices just for himself, he has to thin k of the kingdom since he is next to be king. We will write a custom essay sample on Hamlet Quotes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, / Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel . Polonium; he is telling his son to hold onto the old friends he has made Neither a borrower nor a lender be; / For loan oft loses both itself and friend, / And borrowing dullest edge of husbandry.Polonium; he is telling his son to not borrow anything or lend anything because e borrowing can ruin your name and lending can ruin friendships. This above all: to thin own self be true, / And it must follow, as the night the day, / Thou cants not then be false to any man. Polonium; If you are true to yourself, you wont be false to anyone else. Murder most foul, as in the best it is; / But this most foul, strange, and unnatural. Dead King Hamlet; he is telling Hamlet that all murder is bad, but his was foul, strange, and unnatural because it was his brother who killed him in a sneaky ay. The serpent that did sting thy fathers life / Now wears his crown. Dead King Hamlet; The snake that took his life is now king, his brother . No reckoning made, but sent to my account / With all my imperfections on my head. Dead King Hamlet; he is telling his son he did not get to amend things with the e Lord before he does and now all of his mistakes are being held against him in the a afterlife . The time is out of joint: O cursed spite, / That ever I was born to set it right! Hamlet; he is cursing the day he was born because of all the things he is sup seed accomplish. .. Brevity is the soul of wit. Polonium; to speak well, you need to use as few words as possible but still be precise. For yourself, sir, should be as old as I am, if like a crab you could go back rd. Though this be madness, yet there is method in t. Polonium; he suspects that Hamlet isnt just mad that there is something else behind it . Polonium: My honored lord, will most humbly take my leave of you. Hamlet: You cannot, sir, take from me anything that I will more willingly part withal -? except my life -? except my life -? except my life. Polonium is saying that he will leave Hamlet alone, but Hamlet tells him that hi s presence will always be around and that the only thing that Polonium can take from him unwillingly is his life. For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. Over thinking can cause something to be bad or good The spirit that I have seen / May be the devil: and the devil hath power / T assume a pleasing shape. Hamlet; He starts to wonder if the devil took on the shape of his father so the devil could convince him to kill his uncle so he could have Hamlets soul.Ill have grounds / more relative than this: the plays the thing / Wherein Ill catch the conscience of the king. Hamlet; He plans on getting more proof to know if his uncle is guilty or not b y having his fathers real death acted out by players in front of his uncle. To be or not to be: that is the question: / Whether its nobler in the mind to suffer / The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, / Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, / And by opposing end them? Hamlet; Hamlet is contemplating suicide here. He thinks if people were not so scared of what would happen afterwards, everyone would.Thus conscience does make cowards of us all.. .. Hamlet; the voices in our heads, the moral compass, can make a coward of eve err one. He is referring to the fact that he hasnt killed his uncle yet. The lady doth protest too much, methinks. Gertrude; the actor kept saying she wouldnt remarry. Gertrude feels guilty b cause she married so fast after her husbands death. .. Do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe? Hamlet; Hamlet is speaking to his fake friends. He asked them if they could Pl ay a pipe and they replied no. He asked them this, meaning do you think you can fool ill speak daggers to her, but use none . Me? Hamlet; Hamlet is going to tell his mother what she needs to hear and it will p robbery hurt her, but he wont physically cause her harm. Why this is hire and salary, not revenge. Hamlet; Hamlet does not want to kill his uncle while he is praying because he will go to heaven instead of paying for his deed. Thou fiends to be too busy is some danger. Hamlet; Hamlet is calling Pillions noses since he was listening in on Hamlets conversation with his mom . That you do bend your eye on vacancy / And with the incorporeal air do hold discourse?Gertrude; she is telling Hamlet that there is nothing there; that he is taking to Lay not that flattering unction to your soul, / That not your trespass, but my madness speaks. Hamlet; He is telling his mother not to soothe her soul thinking he is crazy beck cause he is not and he is right But will delve one yard below their mines, / And blow them at the moon. Hamlet; he will be one step ahead of everyone and surprise them . When sorrows come, they come not single spies, / But in battalions. Claudia or Gertrude; sorrows do not happen one at a time. They are like a flee OTF solders that come all at once. Alas! Poor Hayrick I knew him, Horopito; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how of t. Where be your gibes now? Your gambols? Your songs? Your flashes of merriment, that w ere wont to set the table on a roar? Not one now, to mock your own grinning? Quite chaplet n? Now get you to my ladys chamber, and tell her, let her paint an inch thick, to this favor SSH e must come; make her laugh at that. Hamlet; Hamlet, seeing Works skull, is seeing death for what it really is. He no w realizes what happens after you die. .. Sits possible, a young maids wits / Should be as mortal as an old mans life? Alerter; is it possible that a young ladys mind can fade away like an old man who is dying? We defy augury; theres a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. If it be n owe, its not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come: the r tidiness is all. Hamlet; he is telling Horopito that it is up to God when it is someones time to g o. No matter what it will happen. Am justly killed in mine own treachery. Alerter; he knows he cheated and did a dishonorable thing and believes he d serves to die. But I do prophesy the election lights / On Formations: he has my dying voice. Hamlet; Hamlet knows what will come after he dies if he doesnt appoint some also knows Fortifiers is on his way in and tells Horopito to tell Fortifiers he is king. If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart, / Absent thee from felicity awhile, / And in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain, / To tell my story. Hamlet; Hamlet wants Horopito to tell what really happened to him.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Evolution Essays - Evolutionary Biology, Biological Evolution

Evolution Essays - Evolutionary Biology, Biological Evolution Evolution The origins of mankind is an extremely controversial issue within todays society. Scientists have a host of different theories pertaining to mans inhabitance of earth. Many disagreements arise between scientists who have different beliefs pertaining to where and how mankind arose. One such argument is the conflict involving the theory of evolution versus the theory of creation. After extensive scientific research, it is apparent that the theory of evolution is correct. Evolution is the theory that life arose by natural processes at an early stage of the earths history and that complex organisms developed from simpler organisms by a process of slow change (Coren 209). Its the idea that new species arise from older species after thousands of years of gradual chemical, environmental, and genetic change (Coren 142). Evolution can also be described as the complex processes by which living organisms originated on earth and have been diversified and modified through sustained changes in form and function (Evolution). Scientists, looking for an explanation to the origin of man and other organisms created this evolutionism theory, which also presented answers to the many asked questions dealing with similarities between species. Unlike the theory of creation, which states that the complexity of life and different species can only be explained in terms of a supernatural creator or god who placed life on earth, the theory of evolution has a plethora of evidence proving it to be true (Creation). There are several different types of observations that support the theory of organic evolution as an explanation for the similarities and the differences among species. One such observation is in the geologic record. The geologic record is the rock scheme found within the earths outer crust. By means of radioactive dating, the ages of rocks in many places on earth have been determined. Its a timetable of the earths geologic history. This combined with the fossil record, another observation supporting the evolutionary hypothesis, has produced an apparent sequence of life forms from most simple to most complex during the history of the planet. Fossils are any remains or traces of a once-living organism, which are formed by preservation, petrifaction, or sedimentation. Organisms can be preserved and protected against decay by being trapped in amber, tar, or frozen in ice. The hard parts of an organism, such as shells or bones, can be preserved when the flesh of an organism has decayed a way. In other cases, materials of a dead organism may be gradually washed away and replaced by minerals from the water causing the organism to petrify, or harden. Imprints, molds, or casts left by an organism after it is enclosed in sedimentary rock and decomposed are also fossils, as well as footprints and tracks. The fossil record is the timetable of fossils found in within the earths geologic record. Since the upper layers of sedimentary rocks are assumed to have been laid down over lower layers, the upper layers are younger than those deeper into the earth. Therefore, fossils found within the upper layers are also younger than those found within the lower layers. This combination of geologic and fossil records shows the progression of species as time also progressed (Coren 142). In reiterating the definition of evolution, we are reminded that gradual changes in one life forms anatomy, cytology, embryology, or biochemistry could cause for a new species to originate. Similarities in these categories link species together and are therefore studied to support evolutionism. In comparing anatomy, the structures of different organisms often show unexpected similarities. Cell organelles, such as cell membranes, ribosomes, and other structures found within cells, are also similar in organisms of all kinds, showing that comparative cytology can also shows signs of evolution. When comparing the embryos of different organisms, comparative embryology, similarities can be seen in early stages of embryos that are completely different at maturity. Finally, comparative biochemistry, which is the comparing of biochemical compounds, such as amino acids, can also show similarities in species, reinforcing the idea of evolution (Coren 143). As curiosity rose throughout much of the world, scientists began to question the existence of organisms and why some are so alike in so many ways and so diverse as well. Several theories have been proposed in

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Research Paper Example (â€Å"Smith et al†). Many organizations feel irritated by the changes which they have to make in order to be compliant. Even when many companies carry out the required changes and achieve compliance they usually feel that there is no more need for change. Basically most organizations see compliance as an imposition. However compliance is only the bear minimum level of competency and organizations should ideally never tire in making improvements upon this. 3. The City of Scottsdale has initiated many environmental leadership policies. What are the City’s two most well recognized (nationally and internationally) initiatives? What is the next planned step to enhance one of the policies? Please cite your sources. 50 words or less. In 1997 Scottsdale initiated the EPA EMS municipal pilot proframme.In 2001 the Scottsdale environmental management system (EvMS) was implemented in five continents: North America;Europe;Africa;Asia and South America.(Scottsdale, 2008) Their next objective is to create a â€Å"greener Scottsdale†(OEIS) There are three pillars to creating a workable environmental management system (EMS).These are: compliance; improvement and prevention. The organization must be compliant with existing legislation and guidelines. Furthermore there is no perfection in EMS so there must always be a movement towards improvement and regarding prevention it is far easier to protect the environment through prevention rather than through a clean up operation. Also it is important to build a set of objects and targets based upon the three pillars but geared around the unique circumstances presented by your organization. These must be regularly reviewed. (â€Å"Stapleton and Glover†) Wilcox and Theodore quote Carter’s ( Wilcox and Theodore,xxviii) point out that in order for people to do the right thing they need not only be honest, rather they must have integrity and this integrity must be combined with social

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Self Defense And International Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Self Defense And International Law - Case Study Example However the action initiated by the Republic of Bona by invading Malox can be termed as legitimate on the grounds of self defense as stated by the Republic of Bona. According to the Article 51 of UN Charter, the guidelines laid down by the United Nations Security Council will not weaken the rights of self defense of the member state of United Nations against armed attack carred out on them, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security. The invasion is legitimate on the grounds of self defense, until the Security Council takes stringent measures against the Malox Government. But instead, the Republic of Bona could have brought to the notice of Security Council, that it has evidence to show that the Alliance is responsible for the massacre that has taken place. Even though, one of the UN Security Council member, Kumara is an ally of the Alliance, he cannot on his own dismantle the efforts of the Bona Republic to counter terrorism. Then the Security Council may decide what measures, not involving the use of armed force, are to be employed to give effect to its decisions, and it may call upon the Members of the United Nations to apply such measures. These may include complete or partial interruption of economic relations and of rail, sea, air, postal, telegraphic, radio, and other means of communication, and the severance of diplomatic relations as laid down in the Article 41 of United Nations Charter of International Laws. In this process, the Bona Republican has used cluster bombs, white phosphorus and depleted uranium to locate and destroy the Alliance terrorist camp before further more attacks on themselves. The arms that have been used by the Bona Republican are Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) which not only kills persons but will degrade the environment. The degraded environment will make the life on the particular place not only difficult but the persons living there will be effected in the sense, they may get physically or mentally handicapped. The next generation childs may be born physically or mentally handicapped as wel. Such mass destruction will also lead to failure in plantation and degradation of other human necessities. On the grounds of humanitarian, use of such WMD's shall be avoided, just to destroy the Allaince Terrorist Group. However, United Nations has condemned the use of WMD's that has severe and drastic effect on the life of human beings and the next generation. Massive amo unts of circumstantial evidence strongly suggests that the use of DU ammunition has known to cause dramatic side effects, such as health problems, stillborn babies, toxic and poisonous land, water supplies, and residential territories. Such ammunitions is unethical for we will demean ourselves as a civilized

Monday, November 18, 2019

Burdens on the States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Burdens on the States - Essay Example Anita Dancs, the Research Director of National Priorities. reported that more than $200 billion was used for security. The recent report on military attacks in Iraq brought a heightened alert for security and the need to activate the government’s security plans. The New York City, after the sad experience of 9/11 launched the â€Å"Operation Atlas† that is designed â€Å"to beef up safety and security throughout the metropolitan area during a time when there is an elevated risk of terrorist attack† (Heather Cross) The plan has been estimated by New York City Mayor Bloomberg to cost the city $5million per week to pay overtime services of police officers. Report said that as of May 10, 2003, New York City had spent $1 billion on antiterrorism activities, but has not received any support from the federal government. In spite of â€Å"no budget† from the federal government, New York City government pledged to continue its present anti-terrorist â€Å"Operation Atlas† plans in the city.(â€Å"Operation Atlas†) The present mission of the Homeland Security, by definition, is focused on terrorist’s incidents. By that, report of Anita Dancs stated that respondent training and equipment was given more emphasis on terrorism as against all-hazards. All hazards are events of catastrophe, such as bird flue pandemic, the likes of Katrina hurricane, and others of the same nature. Dancs pointed to arguments of the members of Congress on the indifference of preparedness of Homeland Security to address this kind of problem and the importance of all-hazards preparedness. Danc’s report stated the Homeland Security mission defined by the federal government as: Response to natural disasters and catastrophe does not fall within the homeland’s definition of preparedness. The preparedness for all hazard response comes only as support preparedness for terrorism related

Friday, November 15, 2019

Business Practices Faced By Richard Branson Commerce Essay

Business Practices Faced By Richard Branson Commerce Essay This is where it all began, Richard Branson, best known for his Virgin Group is of over 400 companies. Born in July 18, 1950; destined to become one of the best known British entrepreneurs. Beginning at the age of 16 with his first successful business venture; publishing Student magazine, beginning his string of successes. Richard Branson is now the 212th richest person in the world. Estimated a net worth of approximately 4 Billion a dollars; honoured for his degree of Doctor of Technology, knighted for his services to entrepreneurship, becoming on the greatest British citizen and most influential people in the world by BBC and Time Magazine. Being an adventurer Branson is, he never hesitates to take risks and experiment with new ventures, now one of the most recognized brands in the world. The Company Philosophy Try new things, branch out, and when you cant find success with one venture, you simply move on to the next Sir Richard Bransons philosophy above simply puts Virgin Group into prospective. The Virgin group was founded by Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson in 1970; started one of his many entrepreneurial ventures at the age of 16, when he started a magazine titled Student in 1968. Later in 1970, Richard launched a mail order record company called Virgin, which was also a success, and soon after a chain of Virgin record stores followed. In 1973, Branson entered into the music recording business and went on to sign artists such as the Rolling Stones. However, that did not satisfy Bransons entrepreneurial quest and he was looking for opportunities to diversify his business. Hence, in 1984 he ventured into the airline industry with Virgin Atlantic, which went on to become the second largest airline in Britain. The Virgin group then continued to expand with the launch of Virgin Publishing, Virgin Radio, Virgin Cola, Virgin Direct and Virgin Rail. Nevertheless, the Virgin Group was not always free of failures. One major setback for Virgin was the acquisition of Virgin Records by EMI in 1992. The other road bumps for Virgin were duds like Virgin Cola, Virgin Vodka, Virgin Cinemas, Virgin Cars and Virgin Cosmetics that were not very successful ventures sign of a true entrepreneur. But that does not mean that Virgin gives quantity more priority over quality. Every business venture is carefully calculated and analyzed keeping in mind the market demand, customer needs and innovation of products and services. Today, Virgin group is a leading branded venture capital organization and consists of more than 300 companies worldwide with products and services ranging from music, telecommunications, beverages, airlines, media and finance. The growth strategy of Virgin Group is based on the concept of licensing and franchising the Virgin brand name and being involved in the establishment of the ventures from scratch rather than acquiring and buying out existing businesses. The Virgin Brand is ever expanding and diversifying and Branson always encourages innovation and the wide range of products and services offered under the Virgin brand name exemplifies that. In the future years the strategic plan of Virgin is to launch two more ventures: Virgin Fuel (Cheaper, more efficient eco-friendly fuel), Virgin Galactic (Suborbital Space flights; which are set to revolutionize the business world). Brief Timeline 1970 With the success of Virgin Records, Virgin Group was founded, a catalyst for this creation. 1999 Virgin Atlantic was developed, a British train service. 2002 Virgin entered the mobile phone business, Virgin Mobile, opening similar mobile ventures in Britain, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea. 2004 The independent charitable arm of the Virgin Group was established as Virgin Unite. 2005 Virgin Comics launched. 2006 Virgin Holidays established with a very econ friendly view by using all its profits in research and development of sustainable sources of energy. 2008 Virgin Radio rebranded. 2009 Virgin Group launches Digital Help Company in New York and in the UK. 2010 Unveiling of Virgin Gaming, an online destination for competitive console gamers. 2011+ Virgin Fuel Virgin Galactic Sectors that Virgin Group diversifies into: The Virgin group has been diversifying for a long time now. The company is occupied in different types of sectors and currently has around 240 or even more corporations. Richard Branson also ventured into the wildest sectors-Virgin Space Port. The diagram below lists the various sectors that the Virgin Group is diversified into: C:UsersalwardiDesktopVMS.jpg Why we chose this particular business over others? Virgin Megastores are known worldwide about its products and services. Every time you pass by the store you are curious much to know if they have any new products. At times you get surprised by seeing some movies and music albums that are yet to be released in America. Virgin mega store is a place where you can go for everything that involves entertainment. It has a sense of youth in the store; that awakens the young sprit. As for the staff are mostly youngsters. Virgin gives them the opportunity and flexibility to cope between work and studies. This gives a good reflection about Virgin brand. There products varies from educational to entertainment. It used to be only entertainment but after diversification; it serves all ages. When you approach any Virgin employee and ask them about any specific product they would be very confident and explain everything. In addition; other information that concerns the past and current status of the products. Advantages and Disadvantages of such a Business Each and every business has its own advantages and disadvantages. Each and every department has its own ways. Thus, every department differs. In general these are the advantages and disadvantages: Advantages Virgin Megastores Bahrain have a no competition with other brands. As its the only one in the country that sells everything that you require from a pencil to a laptop. There is nothing like virgin in Bahrain; when you enter searching for something you can easily find it. When you compare the Middle East and United States of America there is a major difference. Over there are other companies and stores that offer the same type of business but the middle east Virgin Megastores is one of a kind; and the first. Disadvantages However, the use of internet these days has increased significantly; and copying of the original music and movies too. As Virgin Megastores has a wide range of music CDs and movies; the sales are reduced due to piracy; illegally downloading materials from the internet. So consumer view why should I buy something that I can get easily free. Thus, causing a major loss to Companies like virgin. To add on, Virgin Megastores are diversified into many departments example: music, movies, books, etc. This causes some complications; that your focus is not only on one thing but several things at the same time. Leadership Leadership can be defined as the art of influencing other people to achieve the companys goals and objectives in a way to make it more consistent and cohesive. (Hubpages, 2010) Leading people in the right path processes leadership in order to accomplish a common goal. Leadership ensures that the organization works successfully in accomplishing its desired goals. Good managers are characterized by their leadership skills and experience for the aim in getting high performed and well organized company. They are the backbone of the company to maximize their productivity at the same time create harmony between employees which results to better outcome and efficiency. Only leaders have the ability to encourage their employees to work efficiently toward achieving the companys best interest. (WIR,2010) Types of leadership Leadership style is the method and approach used by leaders to achieve objectives, provide direction and motivates people when working with others. It is the manner in which leaders interact with their subordinates. Given below are the different ways leadership styles have been defined: Transactional Leaders: this type of leadership involves a process of exchange between the leader and the follower (subordinate). The leader tends to obtain compliance on one hand by offering incentive on performance and on the other hand, by offering threats or punishment for bad performance and non-compliance. Transformational leaders: this type of leadership style is more visionary and inspirational in approach. The leaders here have a tendency to provoke intense emotion and communicate a clear and acceptable vision and goals with which the subordinates can easily identify. Autocratic leaders: here, the leaders are the decision makers and have total authority. This type of leadership style is used for employees that require close supervision to perform certain tasks. (Lewin, Lippitt White, 1939) Democratic leaders: this type of leader always listens to his teams ideas and analysis them, but he/she will make the final decision. Here the team players contribute to the final decision making and therefore, employee satisfaction increases. (Lewin, Lippitt White, 1939) Laissez-faire leader: this type of leadership provides no continuous supervision, as the employees are highly experienced and do not require much supervision. Leadership at Virgin:- The person who made Virgin Group an outstanding business empire by changing and diversifying the business from a magazine to a range of companies at the present time is one of the worlds most effective leader and risk taker Mr. Richard Branson. This effective leader now owns 360 companies worldwide, which operate, now in eight different sectors, from music to transportation, media, travel, etc. (AUV, 2010). There are many effective methods used by Mr. Richard Branson in conditions of leading his employees. Mr Richard Branson has all the features every good leader as he adopts his own personal style of management. He maintained a very good relationship with the media, as he was known for his charisma. His leadership power motivated his employees as he supported them by financial incentives. Apart from the financial incentives given to his employees, he has his own way of motivating his employees by sharing with them stories of how he succeeded in life and shares his enthusiasm to help others by establishing various non-profit organizations in order to support young entrepreneurs. His introduction of new green technologies in the business was one of his major investments towards the safety and health of the environment; made his leadership strategies different from others (VSD.2010) Richard Branson follows both the democratic as well as the Laissez-faire leadership style, as his employees are involved in decision making indicating the decentralization technique used by him allowing his employees to participate in leadership. Applying his supportive leadership style where he loom his employees to become friendly and caring. His employees are allowed to have an open communication with the top-level management without any restrictions. (Hill. McShane, 2008) Richard Branson leadership approach has resulted to a significant achievement for the virgin group. Branson had been demonstrated conceivably enhanced than any other investor for the past thirty years worldwide. (BAG, 2010) Strategies of the Virgin Group: Virgin group played a very important role in Mr. Richard Bransons life; it not only transformed the company, but also transformed himself as known now to be a person who is willing to take risk at any time and a daring man. According to him, no was never the right answer now was it a solution. With the help of the strategies he had adopted, every opportunity, which came knocking on his door, was accepted. Not all of the strategies used by Mr Branson to diversify the company were successful; the strategies had their pros and cons. below are few strategies that are applied in virgin group in general regardless to the various sectors they are diversified into: Since the word NO is one of Bransons favorite words, the company uses Risk Management as their core strategy to capture any idea. Risk management is the method used by the company to manage and control risks and threats that comes to their way. The philosophy used by the virgin group is by separating the risks into various segments so that if any loss occurs, the whole group will not go down at once. At any crises point, this approach guarantees the company that only a tiny proportion of the company is affected. The virgin group also applied the Unrelated Diversification strategy. As seen today, Mr. Branson has expanded his company, diversified it and also invested money in different sectors yet, still uses the same brand name. He moved from sectors like Virgin Airlines to Virgin travel and tourism, Virgin Media and Virgin Cola. There are about 200 companies carrying the Brand name virgin. (VGA, 2010) Virgin stores are known for their lenient administration towards their employees. Decentralization is one of the strategies used by the company. Here the decision-making authority is transferred to the subordinates. Virgin group is a semi formal organization and work together as a big happy family. Here, the staff are empowered with many rights and responsibilities and are considered the strength of the company. Flow of information is very flexible and smooth so as the management (Pravab, 2010) Corporate social responsibility, a new strategy applied to the virgin group that emerges them to move towards social responsibility and to invest money towards a safe and healthy environment for the costumers. The Virgin Green fund project was created and invested into various sectors such as resource efficiency and renewable energy. (VSD, 2010) Employee motivation What is motivation? Motivation is the combination of forces that moves individuals to take certain actions and avoid others in pursuit of individual objectives. Motivation is the reason or reasons for getting involved in certain behaviour, especially human behaviour. There are many theories of motivation but to concentrate more on Virgin Megastores; they follow McGregors Assumptions which are divided into two groups Theory X and Theory Y. The two groups are completely different from each other. As for Virgin Megastores they go with Theory Y which is a really positive way to interact with employees. A short definition of Theory Y is that; Managerial assumption that employees enjoy meaningful work, are naturally committed to certain goals, are capable of creativity, and seek out responsibility under the right conditions. The assumptions behind theory Y emphasize growth and self-direction. Theory Y oriented managers seek to motivate employees through intrinsic rewards. As for Theory X; managerial assumption that employees are irresponsible, are unambitious, and dislike work and that mangers must use force, control, or threats to motivate them. The assumptions behind Theory X emphasize authority. The evidence that proofs that Virgin Megastores follow Theory Y; is that when you enter the store you can see one of the staff members heading towards you and asking you if you need any assistance. Mangers at Virgin motivate them psychologically; by different means. They give them the freedom to dress up in their own way as if they were going to a mall with friends and not in formal suites. In addition, all of virgin Megastores employees are in their 20s and are youth. The mangers have asked them to be themselves when coming to virgin full of youth sprit that catches customer attention. Competitions between employees are also done so that they love their work more and have more personal achievements. If any complications happen they highlight the mistakes personally to the employee and show them the correct way on t overcome these problems. What type of Company is Virgin Mega Store? It is a Private limited business. What is the difference between a limited and unlimited business? Limited company: A limited company can be defined as a business that has been registered in such a manner to ensure its owners to have limited liability. The owners would lose the value of their investment if company declares bankruptcy (farlex financial dictionary, 2010) Unlimited company An unlimited company is company; were the liabilities of the shareholders are not limited. The owners have unlimited obligations to meet any insufficiency in the assets of the company in the event of any bankruptcy. (Wikipedia, 2011) Public company A public company is a company that had issued securities all through an offering and which is traded in an open market. (webfinance, 2010) Private limited Private limited company is a company whose shares cannot be traded in the stock market. It can only pass to another person with the shareholders agreement. (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English) MARKETING STRATEGY Theory A marketing strategy can be defined in financial terms as the process of allowing an organization to concentrate its limited resources on the major opportunities to increase sales and attain sustainable development and competitive advantage. The main concept of marketing strategy is consumer satisfaction. It serves as the foundation of the marketing plan. (Wikipedia, 2001-2006) . It is most effective when it becomes an integral part of the corporate strategy; as it clearly defines how the organization will successfully engage costumers, prospects and competitors in the marketing field. The key component of the marketing strategy is to keep a line with the companys overarching mission statements. Marketing strategies in virgin group: After a research done on Virgin group, Bahrain; the sales manager of virgin megastore, Mr. Kevin Koswette stated that virgin group as known now has diversified into various sectors and have around 240 companies. It is very difficult for the company to pay attention to its marketing strategies, as each sector is different from the other. The companies pay the virgin group to market their products; for example: Yamaha musical instruments are sold in virgin megastores as well as Arsenal sports club items. The marketing strategy of each product/service differs from the other as they are from various sectors that the company is diversifies into. For example: marketing strategy for Virgin music cannot be applied to the marketing strategy of virgin airlines. Recommendations: We have noticed that Virgin group involves its employees into their decision making which leads to decentralization of authority in the organization; in our opinion, high decentralization may also lead to loss of authority in the company and may also result to confidential leakage. The leniency in the workforce allows employees to dress up informally as they have the freedom to style their hair inappropriately that may influence youngsters who consider them as role models. Also it may not be acceptable socially in the community. We also noticed in our research about the company, that Mr. Richard Branson- the leader behind this company is a man with great charisma and loves the media exposure. In our opinion, the media exposure can cause negative impacts like scandals and false information about his personal life as well as the company. The flexibility in the workforce, friendly relationship and kindness of the leader- Mr Branson with his employees may result to dishonesty in the workforce; and employees might take advantage of this leniency in terms of achieving their objective. Findings of the project To get information about all the required details we had an interview with Mr. Kevin Koswatte, who is the Manager at Virgin Megastores Bahrain. Here are the questions: Questions In your opinion; what are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of business? What type of leadership style do you follow? What are the techniques used to motivate your staff? Is it limited or unlimited? Private or Public? Can you explain to us the marketing strategies followed by the company? Is it effective or not?

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Literary Minimalism and Jean François Lyotard :: Free Essays Online

Literary Minimalism and Jean Franà §ois Lyotard 1. Anne Beattie has been called a writer of minimalist fiction. Jean Franà §ois Lyotard’s theories concerning postmodern expression have many similarities to this style. In this paper some of Lyotard’s philosophical contributions to postmodernism will be presented as mission statements for, and/or an explanations of, the minimalist style. 2. First, minimalism as a style will be explained through examples from Anne Beattie’s story "Girl Talk" along with other commentary. To begin, minimalism, as Madison Smart Bell wrote . . . may fairly be described as a school because its representative work contains, as if by prescription, a number of specific elements: A trim, ‘minimal style, an obsessive concern for surface detail, a tendency to ignore or eliminate distinctions among the people it renders and a studiedly deterministic, at times nihilistic, vision of the world’ (Rebein 34). 3. Indeed, the minimalist style of writing is one that lacks distinct amounts of color. It is this tedious pen that writes stories such as "Girl Talk," by Anne Beattie, in which a pregnant woman narrates her experience at her boyfriend’s mother’s birthday party. The attention to surface detail that Bell notes can be seen Beattie’s almost page long description of each of the characters’ toes sitting at a table after dinner. The narrator describes each person in detail: "The twins that are not twins have baby toes that curl under" "Craig has square toenails" "Barbara has long toenails" (31). In this segment there does not seem to be anything below the surface --such as social commentary or opinion of humanity--just feet. This devotion to almost pointless description without commentary fits the minimalist style, as Robert Rebein says in his book Hicks, Tribes, and Dirty Realists that minimalism "is neither insightful nor even reasonably articulate" (37). 4. This lack of articulation can also be seen in the opening lines of the story, "Barbara is her chaise. Something is wrong with the pool. . ." (Beattie 28). These lines merely describe things lazily and without meaning, not even using the description that is devoted to toes later in the story. 5. Bell also mentions an aspect of nihilism in regard to minimalism. Among its definitions, Webster’s Dictionary defines nihilism as the belief that "all existence is senseless and there is no possibility of an objective basis for truth." This definition can be applied to minimalism in that the writing style never purports to reveal a truth about the world it creates.